These systems don’t require any wiring. In this way, the assembly becomes from 30 to 100 per cent more cost effective. Subsequent installation into the building and changes in the system might not be a big deal. There is a range of applications facilitating the mobile installations like open air concerts.
Optical disturbances and threats like cables lying on the ground are completely omitted. Unlike the conventional radio system, Pan Acoustics offers six independent audio channels for DVD-surround performances, required for your comfort. The system offer a CD-quality sound and a multi-channel function. The market for wireless speakers currently amount to €10 million and will increase in the next few years to €60 million. The acceptance of wireless connections whose radiation exposure 1/1000 reach, will most likely increase as it can be seen in the rapid sales of wireless PC mouse and keyboards. The development of wireless transmission in CD-quality (high quality-MPEG-4) is carried out in collaboration with a renowned German Institute. Patent has been applied. Pan Acoustics will develop loudspeakers in collaboration with certified partners.