This year, in addition to old classics such as the line spotlights from the Pan Beam series with beam steering technology, there were also many new products to experience at our stand.
In 2024, we were once again an exhibitor at the world's largest trade fair for AV and system integration at Fira Barcelona and demonstrated our systems live in the "4D Audio Theater" at our stand 7D750.
The 1st Pan Demo Day took place on July 13, 2023. The room acoustics systems "Acoustic Control System" (ACS) and Pan Immerse 4D Audio were demonstrated in various demos.
From May 10 to 13,Integrated Systems Europe took place at the Fira des Barcelona exhibition center.
On the occasion of our 20th company anniversary, we report on a few surprises.
Prolight + Sound in Frankfurt was a complete success
Prolight + Sound took place in Frankfurt am Main from April 26 to 29, 2022. For the first time we presented the ACS room acoustic system to the public.
Our new PAN 2-Line System Check tool is available for download! P2L allows you to connect steerable Pan Beam speakers with a single wire for Control, Audio and Power. With the software tool you can easier than ever design and check the cable infrastructure for your P2L project.
With a new firmware update for the Dante interface of the active loudspeaker models from the Pan Beam and Pan Subwoofer series, the Dante Domain Manager (DDM) is supported.