"The course is set for growth, and we want to bring Pan Acoustics further forward in all professional areas and expand permanently with additional staff in key positions", Udo Borgmann, founder and CEO of Pan Acoustics, is pleased about the high-caliber increase in staff.
"The combination of technology, design, economy as well as sound and naturalness of loudpeakers are always in focus at Pan Acoustics. "For many years I have become enthusiastic for the systems from the Wolfenbüttel innovations and development forge and now I can be part of it! Developed and manufactured in Germany - this is a quality seal I can fully identify myself with!" Hünteler looks ahead to his new job.
Michael Hünteler can be reached via the following contact details:
T +49 (0) 5331 900 95 70
M +49 151 425 031 52